The custom of teaching children from scripture is not new to us Sama. It has been a part of our culture for generations up until the present. Children will study how to read and memorize the Kitab from a guru. Other children attend the madrasa. Parents also teach children about God and right living in the home. This cultural practice should not be neglected especially since we now have scripture translated into the Sama language. In the time of Isa it was also the culture to teach children from the scripture. This verse is written into the Kitab Injil:
From childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Isa the Messiah. (2 Timothy 3.15, Kitab Injil)
By teaching children from these scriptures they will be blessed and they have the opportunity to receive eternal life. This is why even to this day many followers of Isa will gather children in our communities to be taught from these scriptures. Here are some of the materials that can be used to help teach children from the scripture. They can be used in the home, by a guru, in the madrasa, or as part of a children's gathering.
Parable of the Lost Sheep
A'a Magpat'ngge' Luma'
Paralilan Alta' Bay Tinapukan
The Parable of the Sower
The Christmas Story according to the Gospels
Great People of Faith
Genesis 1.1
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